Women's Health — Pinnacle Physical Therapy

Pelvic Restoration

Dr. Stefanie Wren, PT, DPT

Dr. Stefanie Wren, PT, DPT

Pinnacle Women’s Health and Pelvic Restoration program addresses the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy wellness programs

  • Post partum Pelvis Restoration Program

  • Return to exercise and walking programs after childbirth

  • Pelvic floor balancing

  • Lower back pain

  • Hip, sacro-Iliac joint instability

  • Diastis recti care

  • Abdominal and core re reconditioning

  • Breathing restoration: diaphragm positioning and pelvic floor stabilization

  • Pelvic floor disorders

  • Stress and urge incontinence



What happened to my Body?  Will I ever get out of pain and back to normal?


  • Frequently,  women assume that it's normal to have back, pelvis pain and hip pain while pregnant. They may not realize that there are an array of  things they can do to lessen or alleviate these pains.

  • We will assist clients in being more aware of their posture and body mechanics to decrease pressure on their painful joints. Safe exercise will be instructed to keep trunk,core and pelvic muscles strong throughout their entire pregnancy.

  • We will utilize manual techniques to loosen tight muscles, restore proper joint position and keep the truck balanced.

  • Occasionally, we will recommend a supportive belt to be worn to help lessen the load/stress on the low back and pelvis.


  • Busy new moms have to hit the ground running, so to speak. They are so busy with caring for their new baby that they forget to take care of their own bodies.

  • Our therapy is designed to work on areas of weakness and tightness from the pregnant posture.

  • Specific exercises are taught to restore abdominal, hip and pelvic floor strength. Ribcages can become elevated and tight from allowing room for the baby to grow, so breathing techniques and gentle manual work may be needed to restore correct diaphragm position.

  • We will also evaluate abdominal position and screen for diastasis recti, and instruct in safe exercises to reduce this.

  • Patients are taught proper body mechanics ie: lifting, carrying, pushing a stroller, to protect their body from strain. We can design exercise that can fit into a new mom's busy day!

Pelvic Restoration = Pelvic Floor Wellness

Pelvic floor and abdominal muscles play a central role in core control and everyday function. The pelvic floor is composed of several layers of muscle tissue forming at the bottom of your pelvic bowl (your pubic bone to tailbone and your sit bones). Your pelvic floor acts to stabilize your hips and pelvis and control intra-abdominal pressure for core stabilization and to control urine flow, sexual function, and so much more. Dysfunction is incredibly individualized and can present due to a less active pelvic floor that can be caused by childbirth or trauma, or a tight or overactive pelvic floor. The consequences can be devastating hip, pelvis, and lower back pain as well as loss of strength, power and endurance for exercise and daily activities.

We treat pelvic floor issues with focused re-positioning of the pelvis and by restoring normal breathing mechanics via the Postural Restoration Institute.

Who would benefit from a Pelvic Restoration evaluation:

  • Women that are experiencing pain, joint instability and decreased ability to perform safe exercise during pregnancy

  • Women who have given birth (postpartum) and have lost core strength

  • Women who experience incontinence or frequency in urination

  • Women who experience pelvic pain, or pain with sexual activity

  • Women and men experiencing fatigue and poor aerobic and breathing capacity

  • Women and Men with LBP, SIJ, pubic symphysis and hip pain and can’t enjoy walking and other activities

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Our Pelvic Restoration PT Sessions

Our sessions can be conducted in a private room and begin with a comprehensive orthopedic evaluation (60-90 minutes) assessing for any musculator or asymmetrical imbalances in the kinetic chain. Follow up one on one sessions with your PT include 45-60 minutes of:  

  1. Pelvic Repositioning: enhancing proper pelvis position and correcting respiratory mechanics using PRI manual and non-manual techniques.

  2. Neuromuscular stabilization: to help maintain the corrected pelvic position and allow for uncompensated alternating/reciprocal movement for walking and running and during all functional activities

  3. Incorporating proper ways to sit, stand, sleep, carry/lift her children without defaulting back into dominant and deviant pelvic /respiratory positions.

  4. Home Exercise Program Implementation: the development and progression  of a comprehensive, specialized home exercise program is essential for pain relief and encouraged to be performed 1-2x/day for optimal movement and return to walking, running and other high demand fitness activities.

Our goal is to have you enjoy an active and painless pregnancy and return you to normal day-to-day function and a healthy lifestyle that includes high demand fitness activities!

Would you like to restore your pelvis back to normal?