Postural Restoration Institute Techniques (PRI)
The human body is not symmetrical. The neurological, respiratory, circulatory, muscular and vision systems are not the same on the left side of the body as they are on the right, and vice versa. They have different responsibilities, function, position and demands on them. This system asymmetry is a good thing and an amazing design. The human body is balanced through the integration of system imbalances. The torso, for example, is balanced with a liver on the right and a heart on the left. Extremity dominance is balanced through reciprocal function; i.e. left arm moves with right leg and vice versa.
Posture is a reflection of the “position” of many systems that are regulated, determined and created through limited functional patterns. These patterns reflect our ability and inability to breathe, rotate and rest symmetrically.
"Limited functional patterns" refers to movement that is restricted in directions, planes or normal boundaries of functional range, as a result of improper joint, muscle and mediastinum rest position. Function is therefore limited because soft tissue and osseous restrictions prevent one from using muscles and joints in their normal range. Adaptation and compensation for these limitations require neuromotor encoding and hyperactivity of muscle that is placed in improper positions that exceed normal physiological length or in positions that make them a mover or counter-mover in planes and directions that are not observed when one is in a neutral or more symmetrical state of rest. This compensatory activity and hyperactivity usually becomes dysynchronous in the accessory muscles of respiration and at the appendicular flexors and axial extensors, thus limiting functional rotation at the trunk and through the lumbo-pelvic-femoral and cranial-mandibular-cervical complex.
– Ron Hruska Jr., MPA, PT
Here at Pinnacle, credentialed professionals recognize these imbalances and typical patterns associated with system disuse or weakness that develops because of dominant overuse.
Learn More: Watch this video to learn about PRI courses, the science behind the Institute and how PRI has influenced Pinnacle PT’s team of practitioners.
Leg or legs bowing out
Postural Restoration: Identifying Patterns cause pain
The main focus of the PRI treatment is in identifying and correcting typical patterns found in the human body. The balance of our muscles and joints from side to side, from front to back and from top to bottom influences the way we stand, sit, walk, breathe and even sleep. Imbalances or asymmetry in our bodies may cause us to fall into patterns that negatively impact our muscles and alignment. These changes result in abnormal wear and tear on our bodies and cause the pain that finally gets our attention. By addressing the underlying abnormal postural patterns, restoring reciprocal motion, and balancing breathing patterns, we can more effectively treat the patient. At the same time, we will strive to teach you how to prevent further injury, and how to control your pain more rapidly if you should experience a similar problem down the road.
Uneven shoulder height
Uneven rib height
Overdeveloped muscles
The PRI Techniques
Postural Restoration® (often referred to as PRI) treatments are very integrative and represent the most thorough, holistic approach to body alignment and ideal function. Besides utilizing very specific exercises, manual techniques, and postural recommendations for our patients, we often utilize other community professionals (dentists, orthotists, massage therapists, chiropractors, etc) to address issues outside the scope of our practice that may be limiting the success of our treatment. This is because PRI integrates the influence of muscle, skeletal alignment, breathing, arch support, dental occlusion, and vision on health and wellness. We will often work with your podiatrist, dentist, and even optometrist to be fully successful. PRI trained therapists understand the direct relationship that these different professions have on postural alignment, and how that can affect the musculoskeletal system and physical therapy outcomes.
Getting Healed for life
If you are experiencing problems breathing, sitting, standing, walking, running, or moving your best………give us a call today at 208.777.4242 to receive a free 20-minute discovery consultation where we can help determine if PRI based physical therapy is the right fit for your needs. Our PRI trained experts are eager to see our community feeling great and doing the activities they love.
Some photos courtesy of Postural Restoration Institute (PRI).